I remember when I first heard the intro music to Twin Peaks...20 years ago. I fell in love with it immediately. This rendition is just stunning. Can you feel it? Haunting, sad, gentle, and innocent all rolled into one composition.
This song best exemplifies what I have been pondering the last year...the brevity of life. I used to not think about it. I'm not sure why the sudden change, but I feel...mortal? There is no desire to re-live my youth. I enjoy where I am at. So glad to finally feel grown up. To be taken more seriously? I like that. However, with this also comes the growing realization of the fragility of life. Children will do that to you, you know? They keep things in perspective.
Also, my family...overseas...I miss them. Sometimes, I feel disconnected here. I enjoy the U.S., but wonder if stripped of most modern luxuries, would I still be content? I don't know. If I never moved to the States, how would I have fared? I imagine a much simpler life. One where traits like respect, compassion, and integrity are among the most valuable of commodities. Overindulgence wouldn't be such a problem. People wouldn't be so medicated, and full of excuses.
Would I trade the conveniences of technology for a simpler life? Perhaps. The art of conversation seems lost today. Most people can't hold eye contact with me. So much obscurity in texting...facial expressions, intonations, gestures. (I digress a lot.) If I could tailor an almost perfect day...it would include a well prepared and executed meal amongst loved ones. Laughter, story-telling, music, warm embraces,...just a calm vibe. That's kinda where I want to be. Not living in any extremes, but in the perfect pocket of calm.