(i wrote this back in february, but forgot to post until tonight)
what remedy is there for sorrow? what cures a heart that breaks? laughter. i swear it is the craziest thing. the phone buzzes + he says something so witty + clever, you burst out laughing in the midst of crying ... well, that is something special. + you lay in bed thinking about it, relive the memory + you catch yourself smiling again. now wait, that really is something. because as i type this, i am still smiling.
i have had the pleasure of the company of so many wonderful individuals. but only a handful keep my attention. this past weekend was one of the most fun, ever. it consisted of being around a small group of men. did you hear that? i didn't say boys, but men. the kind who make your pulse quicken just a bit + wish you only wore expensive lacy black underpinnings because well, it just feels more like a woman, more sexy. okay, yes, they treat you to fancy restaurants + pull out your chairs + make sure you always have an escort to this + to that ... oh, + the compliments, the lavishing on of compliments from such eloquent lips makes my knees weak. but that's not entirely what i am talking about. these men have stories. the kind of stories that make the surrounding tables take pause + lean over to eavesdrop a tad too long. the kind of stories causing passers-by to stop + join in for a drink or two. the kind of stories that stretch a fine dinner out until a realization the staff is just hanging around listening, enjoying the boisterousness as much as our little party.
these men make me feel so spoiled. how did i ever get so lucky as to be the only woman allowed? sure, the drinks kept coming + that wonderful sound of uncontrollable laughter. then you find yourself back at the peninsula suite. they give you the king bed + tuck you in because keeping up with them became impossible once 3am arrived. my favorite part ... lounging around the next morning in plush, white bathrobes drinking coffee + mimosas. catching up, catching up on life, on family.