Friday, March 20, 2009

Pulling Over

I decided to blog for no other reason than to find a place to park thoughts.  Some are mine, some are borrowed.  Thoughts float around constantly.  I find myself losing significant, interesting ones all the time.  I'd love to blame it on life, but that's too fatalistic.  

My days have two speeds, fast and faster.  I cringe looking at the opportunities lost to mature, expand as a result of this odd compulsion to keep going ... not necessarily towards anything, but perhaps from something(to be explored later).  The last few days have unexpectedly shut me down.  This was good; in fact, not only good, but a relief.   You could say I've blown a tire and I have no idea how to change it.
I look forward to this journey.  Funny how coming to a stop in life still takes you on a trip.  A trip inside ... kinda scary.